Question Redragon S107 keyboard - some keys don't work If you can't turn down the gain either through a dial on the mic or through some mic specific software then the final resort is to either turn it down with your computer's audio manager (Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound (A new window will pop up when you click this) > Click the recording tab > Click the microphone you plan on using > click properties > click the 'levels' tab > adjust this to turn up or down the gain on the mic) or through whatever recording software you're using. Alternatively, there may be a 'gain' dial on your mic somewhere (not familiar with your mic so I'm not sure if you have one but some usb mics do so it's worth a look). Your mic appears to be a usb one so if there is some software that came with it then look through it for something called the 'gain' on the mic and turn that down (note you will need to talk louder if you do this). I'm not familiar with your mic but generally there are only a few ways this can be done.
When Titllating says 'lower the sensitivity' all they are talking about is lowering the input volume of the mic. Alternatively, get a mic/headset that only picks up sound from a certain direction. Place it further away from the keyboard/lower the sensitivity on the mic/use a quieter keyboard.